Hop-by-hop QoS Routing using Statistical Distribution-free Approach

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Chan Siew Yin
Ling Teck Chaw
Mashkuri Yaacob


The advent of Quality-of-Service (QoS) routing has brought a wide range of applications to network users. While precise network state information is critical to QoS provision, maintaining such accuracy is almost impossible. Towards this end, we propose a hop-by-hop QoS mechanism to operate in networks with inaccurate information. The proposed mechanism, namely DF-PI, adopts the distribution-free (nonparametric) approach to construct two-sided prediction intervals. The prediction interval helps infer the future available bandwidth, and is used to generate the proposed QoS metric − statistical available bandwidth δ. “Widestâ€-shortest paths are calculated, by which δ replaces the instantaneous available bandwidth in the traditional widest-shortest routing algorithm (WSR). Relative to WSR, simulation results show that DF-PI achieves satisfactory performance in terms of packet loss, commit ratio, link utilization and average end-to-end delay, together with less update message overhead.


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How to Cite
Siew Yin, C., Teck Chaw, L., & Yaacob, M. (2005). Hop-by-hop QoS Routing using Statistical Distribution-free Approach. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 18(2), 28–37. Retrieved from https://ijps.um.edu.my/index.php/MJCS/article/view/6239